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Showing posts from January, 2021

Sourdough Starters?!?! Why Bother????

-For those of you uneducated in the mystical ways of science and baking, sourdough is an excellent style of bread made from natural yeast and various bacteria in flour. Now, one may question why such a loaf is popular amid bakeries and delis alike. One can also continue to question, for this is a science blog, and not a cooking series or history channel.  Sourdough is first initiated by utilizing something called a "starter". The idea of a starter seems self-explanatory, right? WRONG. I MUST EXPLAIN... FOR SCIENCE! A starter is simply a pre-ferment, or a mixture containing liquid, flour, and yeast that is allowed to sit before being combined with fresh dough to complete the bread making process. For our purposes, this just means a sourdough starter is specifically designed to prep for the making of sourdough bread. Sourdough starters do have some extra ingredients, however you can't buy many of them in any supermarket or grocery on Earth... MICROBES!!!! -Microbes are tiny