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Showing posts from February, 2021


  As one travels along the soul-searching path of growing sourdough starters, one must also update his loyal fanbase on the progress that has been made. Similarly to Odysseus, my starters have been through the absolute ringer. Starting at the end of last week, I forgot to feed and water my starters, effectively missing one whole day. The starters were.... rough looking, to say the least. Dried up and brittle, the collective crust of the three trials was looking rather dire. I recognized the mistake and set out to correct it with the correct portions of food and dechlorinated water, hoping that I wasn't too late, being a day off of schedule and all (sweats nervously). Lo and behold, for I have salvaged the scraps of my experiments and prevailed! Three days after my experiment's beginning, a revival occurred and my three starters have... risen (that pun was soooo intended)! Feast your eyes on my beautiful bubbly boys! (Control Group) (Banana Variable) (Mango Trouble Child) (all p